Financial education for beginners and advanced levels

Your individual introduction to the world of finance, investments and cryptocurrencies

Learn the key essentials about money, finance and cryptocurrencies in my 1:1 training sessions. Grow your financial intelligence from a newbie to a seasoned expert and start your journey to financial independence!

Financial education for beginners and advanced levels

Your individual introduction to the world of finance, investments and cryptocurrencies

Learn the key essentials about money, finance and cryptocurrencies in my 1:1 training sessions. Grow your financial intelligence from a newbie to a seasoned expert and start your journey to financial independence!

You are in the right place if you want to upgrade your financial knowledge to the next level and if you are looking for

a beginners course about money, finance and investments

  • Fundamentals for your financial education
    The beginners course teaches you the essential basics of money, finance and investments. From budgeting and selecting asset classes to building your own portfolio, you will learn everything you need to know to begin investing in the right way.
  • Practical implementation
    My courses are practically oriented and teach you specific knowledge that you can apply straight away. Instead of dry theory, we work together on real-life scenarios so that you can immediately apply what you have learned in your day-to-day life.

a crypto training course for beginners or advanced users

Whether you’re new to the crypto world or want to improve your knowledge – I’ll guide you on your way.

  • Basic training for newbies
    If you’re new to the world of cryptocurrencies, I’ll make it easy for you to get started. Complex financial topics are explained in a clear and understandable way. Even complicated concepts are presented in a way that is easy for you to understand.
  • Mentoring for advanced users
    Even if you already have experience with cryptocurrencies, I offer you individual training for advanced investors. Enhance your knowledge of complex concepts such as yield farming strategies, smart contracts and decentralized financial services.

individual support and a community exchange

  • Individual support
    The focus is on you. I support you individually and respond to your questions and requirements. Your satisfaction and your learning success are my top priority..
  • Community exchange
    Join a growing community of like-minded investors. Share experiences, ask questions and benefit from the shared journey to financial freedom.

Support and professional expertise

  • Ongoing support
    Your learning journey doesn’t stop after the course. I offer you continuous support and updates to ensure you keep up to date.
  • Experienced trainer and mentor
    Benefit from my experience as a finance and crypto expert. I am not only available to you as a teacher, but also as a mentor. Many graduates of my courses already started successfully and are on their way to achieving their financial targets. Soon you can be one of them!
Start your journey to financial freedom now and find out more about my course offerings.

My 1:1 courses for your financial education

Masterclass Money, Finance and Investments

Course objectives:

  • Financial education on money, economics, finance and investing for young people and beginners
  • Individual start with long-term wealth building on the way to financial independence
  • Raising financial affairs and investments to a higher level
  • Practical tips and quick hacks on spending, taxes and insurance, and more

Masterclass Cryptocurrencies

Course objectives:

  • Providing all essential cryptocurrency basics and setting up the necessary infrastructure
  • Benefit from the biggest investment opportunity of all time with cryptocurrencies and build up a passive income
  • Plenty of tips and tricks from professionals on the right way to handle, trade and securely manage cryptocurrencies

My financial book Money Matrix

The practical guide to financial intelligence and sovereign money management

My financial book “Money Matrix” is a comprehensive guide to sovereign money management. It covers topics such as budgeting, investment strategies, taxes, financial intelligence and psychological aspects of investing in more than 500 pages. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, the book offers practical tips for instant use and guides you on your way to financial independence.
Financial Book | Money Matrix | Tobias Marzin
Finanzielle Bildung | Logo
Tobias Marzin | Finanzielle Bildung

Hi, I’m Tobias

over 40 and grew up in Reutlingen, Germany. With a degree in mechanical engineering and an MBA, I worked for the Mercedes Group for almost 15 years. I gained a lot of experience as a competence team manager at Mercedes-AMG.

In 2022, I took the plunge into digital nomadism with my partner to travel the world and live where others go for their vacations. For me, happiness means being my own boss and pursuing my passions, not only for fast cars, but also for the stock market, business, finance, mountain biking, skiing and traveling.

Thanks to my financial expertise and experience, I am a highly valued advisor and offer various training courses on finance and investment. I have been working intensively with cryptocurrencies since 2014 and share my extensive knowledge in beginner courses. Join my journey and discover how you can take your finances into your own hands and achieve financial independence.



Masterclass Money, Finance and Investments
& Masterclass Cryptocurrencies

As a couple, we wanted to learn more about finance. Tobias managed to bring both of us – despite our different prior knowledge – closer to the topic of finance and crypto in an exciting way, one could say to inspire us. Thanks to his smart and relaxed manner, every session was not only extremely informative, but also very entertaining. Tobias explains in a very understandable way, the content is very simplified and clearly formulated.

We were able to contact him at any time with questions and tips and he responded very quickly. Making an appointment was very straightforward and reliable.

Thank you Tobias for the top coaching! Keep up the good work!

Hannah, 34 years old, Teacher
Tim, 35 years old, Business Owner

Hannah & Tim | Testimonial | Basis-Training Finanzen und Investment & Einsteigerkurs Kryptowährungen
Mathis | Testimonial | Basis-Training Finanzen und Investment

Masterclass Money, Finance and Investments
& Masterclass Cryptocurrencies

The meetings with Tobi were a real revelation for me! In his captivating way, he explained everything to me about cryptocurrencies, the history of money and fundamental financial concepts. Even my questions were always answered in detail, and Tobi’s flexibility in scheduling was great for me as a high school student. His easy-going nature ensured that the meetings were not only educational, but also exciting and entertaining.

All in all, the financial training was an important life experience for me that really changed my mind. I can say with full conviction: 11/10! I am now an investor at the age of 15!

If you want to learn more about the topic, there is no better mentor than Tobi. His expertise and approachable manner make him the perfect choice for any young person looking to enter the world of finance and cryptocurrencies.

Mathis, 15 years old
High School Student


I hired Tobias 2 years ago as a highly professional and reliable consultant for my private life and also for my company.

As an experienced financial expert, he has structured my financial affairs and portfolios optimally and upgraded them to a new, modern level. This includes gold hedging and investments in future technologies such as cryptocurrencies. His monthly portfolio overview provides me a clear and well-structured overview of all my asset classes. I was particularly impressed by his specific recommendations for action. Whether it’s buying, selling or stop losses, Tobias has supported me with precise decisions, helping me to take advantage of opportunities and minimize risks. He convinces me with his extensive knowledge, has always an open ear and answers all my questions confidently. He has a very friendly and sympathetic appearance.

Thanks to his expertise and support, I am fully confident in my financial future and see clear prospects for the growth of my assets. Many thanks for everything! I can highly recommend Tobias.

Elke, 66 years old
Retired Entrepreneur
Elke | Testimonial | Portfolio Management
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